How to create a healthy home environment

With a million and one commitments pulling us in so many different directions – work, family, social obligations, and everything else life throws our way – it’s more important than ever to have a home environment that supports relaxation and wellbeing.

Creating a healthy home that promotes relaxation and wellness isn’t just a luxury – it’s a necessity.

By taking the time to create a peaceful, restorative space, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of daily life and feel more balanced and centered overall. So, if you’re ready to prioritise your wellbeing, read on for some tips on how to create a home that feels like a soothing retreat.

Declutter your space 
It’s hard to relax in a cluttered environment. When your space is full of clutter, it can feel overwhelming and stressful. Take some time to declutter your home, getting rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy or serve a purpose. Donate clothes you no longer wear, throw away expired food and old paperwork, and find new homes for items that are taking up too much space. When you have a clean and organised home, you’ll feel calmer and more at ease.

Incorporate relaxing scents
Scents can have a powerful effect on our mood. Lavender, chamomile, and vanilla are all known for their relaxing properties. Consider incorporating these scents into your home through candles, essential oils, or diffusers. You can also use fresh flowers or herbs to add natural scents to your space – markets are great for picking up a bunch of flowers on the cheap, so you don’t have to break the bank. Just be sure to choose scents that you enjoy and that don’t overwhelm your senses!

Create a cozy atmosphere
You can create a cozy atmosphere in your home by incorporating soft textures and warm lighting. Add a few throw blankets and pillows to your couch or bed, invest in a plush rug, and choose warm-toned light bulbs. When your space feels cozy, it’s easier to relax and unwind.

Embrace nature
Nature has a way of calming us down and helping us feel grounded. Bring a bit of nature into your home by incorporating plants, natural materials, and earthy colors. Plants not only add a pop of greenery to your space, but they also help purify the air. If you don’t have a green thumb, start with easy-to-care-for plants like snake plants, spider plants, or succulents.

Minimise technology
Technology can be a major source of stress and distraction. Make an effort to minimise your use of technology in your home. Consider choosing certain times of day as tech-free zones, or keeping your phone in another room while you relax. If you use your computer or phone for work, consider setting up a separate workspace so that you can disconnect from work when you’re not on the clock. You can read more about the effects of screen time on mental health in our blog here.

Creating a home environment that supports relaxation and wellbeing doesn’t have to be complicated. By making a few simple changes, you can transform your home into a sanctuary that helps you feel your best. Start small and build on your efforts over time. Before you know it, you’ll have a home that supports your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

For more great health, fitness and wellness tips and tricks, you can explore our blog here.

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