How to Reach Your Goals (When They’re Feeling Unreachable)

Your goals are set. You’re working hard to achieve them. But then, somehow, those goal posts start to feel further away than you thought. It’s a road we’ve all been down before, so it should never be something that gets you down. In fact, goals wouldn’t be goals if they weren’t tough to score! Whether you’re new to the game or a veteran, we’re here to help with some helpful tips to get you back on track.

Keep Your Goals SMART

Setting goals is the very first step, but how you set them makes all the difference. There’s an age-old acronym of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that’s a handy and memorable tool for getting your goals in order and being equipped to achieve them. But rather than just say them, let’s break down what each word of SMART really means.

  • Specific: Instead of saying, ‘I want to get fit,’ try, ‘I want to run for half an hour without stopping’. Being precise about your vision will help you cross the barrier from imaginary to reality.
  • Measurable: Make sure you can track your progress. For example, ‘I want to increase the amount I lift every month.’ Having tangible results is a great way to identify and achieve your goals.
  • Achievable: It’s important that your goals are realistic and appropriate for your ability. Avoid setting yourself Simone Biles-worthy targets and getting down in the dumps for not achieving them. (Having said that, the next Simone Biles is out there somewhere!)
  • Relevant: Your goals should align with your overall fitness aspirations. Are you looking for better health, competing orjust getting strong for strength’s sake? There are many reasons for getting fit, and knowing yours is the key to success.
  • Time-bound: Some of us work better when an impending deadline is hovering above. It’s not the funnest way to workout, but that little bit of pressure can be a wonderful source of motivation!

Break Your Goals Down Into Smaller Goals

Large goals can feel so large that they become overwhelming. Breaking them down into smaller, more manageable goals can help you step out yourjourney one goal-within-a-goal at a time. This could mean gradually incrementally increasing your time or speed on the treadmill, orthel amount your lift. It also offers little minirewards each time you improve.

Make the Most of Your Membership

Fernwood offers a great range of features and services designed to help you reach your fitness goals. So rather than just come and go from the gym, why not explore the Fernwood universe a little deeper? Here’s a look at what you can get into.

  • FIIT30 Classes: These classes are small in size, short in duration and big on strength. After a steady stream of these, you could see some impressive results.
  • Personal Trainers: Our trainers are there for a reason—to get you the results you’re looking for. This hyper-personalised style of training is a great way to focus on and achieve your goals.
  • Fernwood App and Pulse: With our app, you can track your progress and access exclusive content on Pulse, including exclusive workout videos and nutrition tips.
  • Workshops and Events: Participate in workshops and events to stay motivated, learn new skills, and meet like-minded individuals.

Check Your Nutrition

Exercise is just one part of the fitness equation—the other is your diet. While it’s perfectly fine to indulge in some of the delicious things Mother Nature (and Mother Unnatural) dangles in front of us, keeping a good balance is crucial to better fitness and health. Here are some ways to get your diet on point.

  • Balanced Diet: Ensure you’re eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients from different food groups. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, legumes and whole grains.
  • Listen to Your Body: Sometimes, it helps to ask yourself, ‘How hungry am I?’ You may find that a light snack is a perfectly satiating meal, provided you’re getting sufficient nutrition.
  • Stay Hydrated: Try to keep a big bottle of water nearby at all times. Sip and refill throughout the day.
  • Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition: The best time to get those carbs and protein is after a serious workout. You’ll know this, because you’ll crave it like mad! It’ll not only taste great—it’ll also help with muscle repair and energy replenishment.
  • Cut the Crap: We all know this, but it still must be mentioned. Humans are unfortunately wired to want maximum calories in the event that food becomes scarce. Fortunately, we’ve got no shortage of available food, so try to explain that to your inner primate!

Rest and Recover

Recovery is a lesser known and often neglected part of the exercise puzzle—which is strange, because it’s the easiest. Yes, you’ll be doing yourself massive favours by doing nothing at all! Here’s how ‘nothing’ is done.

  • Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to allow your muscles to recover and grow. Be consistent with your bed time, and avoid food, alcohol and unnatural light for as long as possible before bed.
  • Rest Days: Incorporate rest days into your workout routine to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury. This is particularly important if you’re feeling really sore.
  • Stretching and Foam Rolling: If you must do something, regularly stretching and using a foam roller is a great way to relieve muscle tension and improve flexibility.

Any sports person will tell you that goals aren’t easy – that’s why it’s so exciting when they score one! Personal goals are no different, but with patience, persistence, strategic thinking and good life choices, you’ll edge closer towards them day by day. Remember, whether you’re a current member, considering joining, or referring a friend, Fernwood is here to support you every step of the way. So, take a moment to think about your goals, and let’s smash them together!

Want to know more about Fernwood’s services or classes? Start exploring today and benefit body and mind.

For more great health, fitness, nutrition and wellness articles, check out our blog here.


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