Should I work out when I’m sore?

We love a good sweat session here in the Fernie community! But what happens when you wake up the next day and your muscles are screaming at you to rest?

It’s not uncommon to feel sore after a good workout, but it’s important to listen to your body and determine whether or not you should push through the pain and hit the gym again.

Should I work out when I’m sore?

The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. While it’s essential to maintain a consistent exercise routine, pushing yourself too hard when you’re already sore can have negative effects on your fitness goals. Here are some points to consider when deciding whether or not you’re too sore to work out…

First, it’s important to understand why we get sore after a workout. When we exercise, our muscles undergo stress, causing tiny micro-tears in the muscle fibres. It’s this damage that leads to the feeling of soreness, but this soreness is a natural part of the recovery process. Although this feeling is natural, our muscles need time to repair and rebuild before working them out again.

Secondly, if you’re too sore, working out can actually hinder your progress. Your muscles need time to recover, and if you push them too hard, you risk injuring yourself, which can set you back even further. If you try to work out when your muscles are already sore, you might not be able to perform your exercises correctly, leading to poor form, reduced range of motion, and an increased risk of injury.

But, how do I know if I’m too sore to work out?

One way to know if you’re too sore to workout is to listen to your body – pay attention to the type of soreness you’re experiencing. If you have muscle soreness, it’s generally safe to continue with your workout routine. However, if you have joint pain or severe muscle pain, it’s best to take a break and allow your body to rest and recover.

If your soreness is minor, you might be able to continue with your workout routine, but be sure to take it easy and focus first and foremost on proper form and technique.

Some other things to consider…

  1. How intense was your previous workout? If you went all out and tried a new exercise or lifted heavier weights than you’re used to, you may be much sorer than if you stuck to your usual routine.
  2. Where is the soreness located? If you’re feeling soreness in just one specific area, such as your knees or back, it may be a sign that you’ve strained or injured that area. In this case, it’s best to rest and let your body heal.
  3. How severe is the soreness? A little bit of soreness is normal, but if you’re feeling extreme pain or can barely move, it’s probably best to take a break.
  4. Are you getting enough rest and recovery? Remember, your muscles need time to repair and grow. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and taking rest days as needed.

Once you’ve considered these points and still decide that you’re up for a workout despite being sore, take it easy. Don’t try to lift heavier weights or do more reps than usual. Instead, focus on low-impact exercises such as stretching, yoga, or light cardio. These types of workouts can actually help to alleviate soreness and promote recovery and are great for days when you need to rest but don’t want to take a day off completely.

Although it’s important to maintain a consistent workout routine, remember that pushing yourself too hard when you’re already sore can have negative effects on your fitness goals. So, be sure to listen to your body and pay attention to the type of soreness you’re experiencing. By doing so, you can make an informed decision about whether or not you’re too sore to work out and prevent injury while still achieving your fitness goals.

If you’re looking for some low-impacts workouts you can try on a rest day, click here to read our article with some fantastic and fun options.

For women wanting an exercise routine that’s tailored to your body, needs and potentially even any injuries you may be working through, personal training is another amazing option that will get you where you need to go.

Want to know more about Fernwood’s services or classes? Start exploring today and find the perfect health and fitness routine to complement your lifestyle.


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